Cascade C64/Amiga

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C64/Amiga Stuff
Emulators and Tools C64 Drivers Commodore News


During its 36 years of existance, Cascade members produced a lot of scene stuff...

This includes Project Work like demos, games and tools, which were released under the group name label and furthermore you can find Graphics and Musics, made by Cascade members, which were partly used in Cascade projects and partly not (yet) released...

Here we have most of the Cascade C64 and Amiga efforts, which I hope to from time to time (c'mon Carlos and Mr.Lee, get yer asses up! ;-)
Each chapter, are in chronological order, which means, that the newest is placed on top.

Current categories available:

In this section you will find all musical efforts that were done by Cascade-Musicians in the last 20 years. Homecomputer musics have become quite fasionabel these days, so this is our tribute to the days, when people programmed synthesizer chips and music trackers for samples were inevnted. You can listen to these tunes via your PC by using special software... you get more info about the graphic modes in the chapter.

Music of the following artists available:

Here we have diverse graphic examples that were done by Cascade members. Non-sceners maybe don't understand the special spirit of these graphics, so you have to keep in mind, that this stuff is done before e.g. scanners, photoshop and VGA with 16 million colors were standard... these graphics have been indeed done by setting pixel for pixel in special graphics programs... you get more info about the graphic modes in the chapter.

Galleries of the following artists available:

Here you'll find a collection of YouTube videos that show Cascade demos and intros for both C64 and Amiga. An easy and simple way to see some of our demos in action, without using an emulator.

Already seen?

Hot Stuff Intro - Cascade - Amiga Intros

Hot Stuff Intro
Cascade - Amiga Intro

Don't miss!

C64 Games on ITCH.IO like:
Hunter's Moon Remastered

A legendary C64 shooter - fully remastered and overhauled
Support the developers!

Commodore Souvenirs

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Gadget: Commodore C64 Bag

Gadget: Commodore C64 Bag

Friendship advert

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Operation Cyborg - Der Roman

Operation Cyborg
Terminator Deutschland

We can also recommend to visit the following web resources:

Forum64 DoReCo - Dortmunder Retro Computer Treff Lemon64 Lemon Amiga C64 Intros Codebase 64 C64-Wiki Radio PARALAX Protovision Restore-Store ExoticA
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