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Here you will find all the latest Commodore news - mostly related to C64 - Amiga - C128 - Plus/4 - VIC-20 - PET. This ticker contains news about new game and hardware releases, latest video and podcast uploads, trivia and product information. All freshly fished from the web. RSS feed available!

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14.06.2019 - Vandalism News #69
In this English diskette magazine the following items: News, The Awards, World of Demos, The Making of Rivalry, Give Hate a Chance, Demo Map: Germany, Split Bitmap Scroller, The Will to Scene, Trap of Bonzai, Prowler, Magnar, Compyx, Golara, Sparta, Revision 2019, Moonshine Dragons Report, World of Commodore, Opticall Illusion, BASIC 10-Liners, Game Reviews, Super Mario Bros, Magazine Reviews and the List.
07.06.2019 - - Final Catridge III made a new video about building a Final Cartridge III from a kit.
07.06.2019 - WHDLoad
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Anarchy Party Slideshow, Silicon Sounds, Go for the Record and Quartzbox. Update: Magic Pockets, Super Stardust , Putty Squad, Falcon, Deliverance, Jim Power, Starray, Ugh!, Superfrog, Desert Strike , Zool and Chaos Engine 2.
07.06.2019 - SEUCK Compo 2019
The following new games have been added to the SEUCK Competition 2019: Langrangian Point - The Messgeger from Outer Space - Recycled Arts, Araignee - The Spider Thief - Mo Dernart and Soccer War - Commodore Spain.
07.06.2019 - CLASS 2019
You can now watch videos from CLASS 2019 - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show: Marc Rifkin - Commodore Business Machines, Simone Bernacchia - Amiga game music and Ed Trillo - Strategic Simulations Inc.
07.06.2019 - Robots Rumble - Plus/4
Robots Rumble is a new puzzle game for the Commodore Plus/4. The game was developed by Majikeyric (code), Uctumi (music) and Miguetelo (graphics).
07.06.2019 - JSIDPlay2 - v4.1
JSIDPlay is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for music collections like HVSC and CGSC.
07.06.2019 - The Retro Hour - The Guru Meditation
The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Bill Winters & Anthony Becker - The Guru Meditation.
07.06.2019 - Stercore XD - C64
Stercore XD is a new game for the Commodore C64 developed by The Magic Roundabout. The game is one of the competitors of the RGCD C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition 2019.
07.06.2019 - ADF-Copy/Drive v1.010
ADF-Copy is a small device with a Teensy 3.2. This device connects to USB and a 3,5" PC floppy drive. This device makes it possible to read and write ADF's from or to a real Amiga diskette.
07.06.2019 - RS232 File Receiver - Plus/4
GMOLN released his new program: RS232 File Receiver. With this program you can send or receive files on the Commodore Plus/4 via a RS232 connection. He is also working on a VT100 compatible serial terminal program.
07.06.2019 - RetroSpector78 - Commodore PC-20 II
RetroSpector78 has made a video of a Commodore PC-20 II. He shows the inside of the PC and talks about all the parts.
07.06.2019 - Retrogame Talkshow
Bob Engstrand and Jari Karjalainen talk about the world of retro games, 8-bit music and much more: In this episode: Diskettes & Dungeons.
07.06.2019 - Z64K
Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, Commodore 64, VIC 20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators should run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Improvements for RESMP, MOS6532, TIA, debugger, CRT emulation and VIC 20 / JiffyDOS.
07.06.2019 - Adrian Black - C16 PAL / NTSC
A new video from Adrian Black. He modified a Commodore C16 that can display PAL or NTSC video.
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Music: Input 64

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Operation Cyborg - Der Roman

Operation Cyborg
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