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Here you will find the latest news about the hands down best 8-Bit home computer of all times: The famous Commodore 64, aka C64, aka breadbin. This ticker contains news about new game and hardware releases, latest video and podcast uploads, trivia and product information. All freshly fished from the web. RSS feed available!

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09.03.2018 - Nunchuk64 - C64
You can watch a video about the Nunchuk64. This is an adapter for the C64 that makes it possible to use Nintendo Nunchuk compatible controller. It is still under development but it will be available soon.
09.03.2018 - PET De Lux - The Commodore PET tribute
Love Hultén made a tribute to the Commodore PET 2001. The PET De Lux is handmade from American walnut. But it has a modern computer inside, emulating video game systems such as Commodore 64, NES and many more.
09.03.2018 - Fart Escape - C64
Fart Escape is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by Dozznar and the music is made by Cadaver.
09.03.2018 - Quad Core C64
Quad Core C64 is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by Richard and Shine. The game is a puzzle game. There are 32 different colour code-breaking challenges.
09.03.2018 - C64Studio v5.6
C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Macro's, ValueTableEditor, MAP_DATA, !basic, BASIC macro's, Charpad support, Renumber, Charset editor, Shortcut tooltips, Miniview, Spritepad support and the Sprite editor.
09.03.2018 - Hessian v1.2 - C64
A new version of the game Hessian for the Commodore C64 is now available. In the game you are Kim, a security guard at the Throne Group Science Complex. After an attack you need medical attention and your body will be upgraded with nano-bots.
09.03.2018 - The Retrogaming Times #13
The retrogaming Times is a retro computer magazine (English language) for all retro computer fans. In this edition: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64! - Winter Olympics, Apple II Incider - The Apple II Game Wishlist, The Controller Chronicles - Atari 7800 ProSystem, Arcade Obscure - Jump Coaster, Magical Shrine of Fun - Starring Grandma's Birthday Gift and the Rental Wonders, Catch and Release - King Salmon "The Big Catch" (Sega Genesis), Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap and See You Next Game.
02.03.2018 - Retro Commodore
The web page has many high quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: ZOOM - Super Machine Language Monitor for the CBM 64, Montering af Gary adapter, Interactivision InterWord C64 flyer, Interactivision InterAsm Amiga flyer, DELA Elektronik Köln Eprommer Manual, DELA Elektronik Eprommer 1 Manual Paa Dansk, Service Manual 1960 Super VGA Color Monitor, Commodore 64/128 Tips-program, Service Manual MPS-803, Service Manual 1930 VGA Color Monitor, Commodore PC 1 Technical Manual, Commodore PC brugervejledning, Commodore Matrixprinter 1526, Commodore MPS 1230, Commodore Der Technologie-Konzern, Amiga V.I.P. package, Programmer's Utilities, PC-1 service kursus for værksteder, C64 service information, Interactivision Amiga software, AJ-SoftWare I/S Priskatalog, C64 Diagnostic Instruction and Troubleshooting Manual, Commodore 128 Guide Systeme, Privat Computer, Turbo Silver 3.0, Oxford Pascal Manual, C128 System Guide, COMputer and Amiga Format.
02.03.2018 - Iz8dwf - Commodore C64 & PET 2001 repair
Iz8dwf made a video of the repair of a Commodore C64 and a Commodore PET 2001. The C64 had a faulty PLA and a bad RAM chip. The PET 2001 needed a new RAM and ROM chip.
02.03.2018 - Mega65
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Extending the Commodore 64 BASIC and new documentation on the MEGA65's enhanced text mode.
02.03.2018 - Commodore Kernal
Michael Steil wrote a blog about the history of the Commodore Kernal. He describes the kernal in the KIM-1, PET, VIC20, CBM-II, C64, Plus/4, C128 and the C65.
02.03.2018 - Check64
You can watch a video about the Check64 test cartridge. This set is available as an assembly kit at Forum64 and can be used to check the motherboard of a Commodore C64.
02.03.2018 - 8 Bit Annual - Kickstart
8 Bit Annual is a 250+ page book with hundreds of reviews or recent 8-bit games as well as previews of upcoming games. The games are for the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, MSX, ZX Spectrum, Sega Master System and Nintendo Entertainment System.
02.03.2018 - GadgetUK164 - C64C PLA
GadgetUK164 made a video about the repair of a Commodore C64c (PLA).
02.03.2018 - C64 TV commercials on your C64
Daddlertl3 has converted a number of TV commercials to the Commodore C64 with a 16 MB REU.
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Cascade - C64 Game

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Rocky Memphis - The Legend Of Atlantis

A puzzle platform game, in an Indiana Jones inspired setting
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Commodore Souvenirs

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DVD: Digital Memories 1 - The Best of Commodore 64

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Operation Cyborg
Terminator Deutschland

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