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Here you will find all the latest Commodore news - mostly related to C64 - Amiga - C128 - Plus/4 - VIC-20 - PET. This ticker contains news about new game and hardware releases, latest video and podcast uploads, trivia and product information. All freshly fished from the web. RSS feed available!

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29.09.2017 - Pirate Island - C64
Cout has converted the adventure game Pirate Island from the Atari 400/800 to the Commodore C64. There are selectable commands in each room from 1 to 4 to guide you throughout the game.
29.09.2017 - Club Info 147
In this German language d64 magazine for the Commodore C116, C16 and the Plus/4 the following articles: Forum, Scene, Tips & Tricks,Bombrunner 2, Soccer Boss, Tetravex, Egyptian Tomb, Die Böse sechs, Computerspass, Hardware, Megazone, The Big Quest, Deadline, Rap4, other Systems and Basicode.
29.09.2017 - Lunar Lander - C64
Michael released a new game for the Commodore C64. He made the game Lunar Lander on his Commodore C64c.
29.09.2017 - Castle Matcher - Plus/4
Castle Matcher is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 made by RoePipi. In this game you must find your way out of a Castle by solving puzzles.
29.09.2017 - FunkPaint 0.45a - C64
FunkPaint is an editor for Hires, Multi and Multicolor pictures. The program can be used with an joystick or mouse and supports memory expansions (+60k, REU, Ramcart, Georam etc.). Changes in this version: Improvements for align view, screen switching, colour cycle, toolbar and border blanking.
29.09.2017 - The Retro Hour - Ian Stewart
The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Ian Stewart (Gremlin Graphics).
29.09.2017 - SD2IEC Kernal v2.2
Clause made a modified kernal for the Commodore 64. This kernal supports the SD2IEC devices that based on the design of Ingo Korb. The kernal provides a file browser and a fast loader (10x).
29.09.2017 - Retrochallenge 2017/10
The Retrochallenge competition will be held from 01-10-2017 until 31-10-2017. Everybody with a retro computer project can compete, but your computer system must be older than 10 years.
29.09.2017 - Decomp 64 v1.0
MP Software has released an application that will try to decompile a binary file in assembly code, with the syntax of KickAssembler. The application has been written in VB6 and has been tested in WinXP and Win7 systems. The program supports only the standard opcodes.
29.09.2017 - Hoxs64 v1.0.9.5
David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: Improvements for saving, loading, CIA serial and CNT timing and VIC-II configuration.
29.09.2017 - Ultimate II+
Wiebo de Wit has written a blog about the Ultimate II+. He has been working with the KCS Power Cartridge, GeoRAM, Amiga Mod Audio Playback, Network and the Stand Alone Mode.
29.09.2017 - Keyman64 v1.6
Keyman64 is an hardware expansion for the keyboard on your Commodore C64. With Keyman64 you can assign actions to key combinations. These action could be a series of keystrokes or hardware switches. The possibilities could be: assign commands to (function) keys, do a reset, switching a Kernal, switch on/off LED's etc. The configuration or firmware update is possible via a USB connection.
22.09.2017 - Teensy64
Frank Bösing is working on a Commodore C64 emulator with the Teensy 3.6. The Features are: IEC Bus, ILI9341 SPI display, USB keyboard, reSID, a simple disk drive emulation and joystick support. The latest changes are: Added a VGA output.
22.09.2017 - Wicher CD32
The Retro 7-bit web page announced the Wicher CD32. This expansion card for the Amiga CD32 has the following features: 8MB RAM, IDE controller and a clock port.
22.09.2017 - FREEZE64 - 13
FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Thing on a Spring, Anthony Clarke, Planet Golf, Rescuing Orc, Kenz, Vice Squad, Mike Berry, Exploding Fish, Exclusive Pokes n' Codes, Secret Squirrel and Hackersoft Pad.
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