Cascade C64 Demos
In this chapter you will find all the demos/intros, that were done by the C64 Divisions of Cascade.Approved C64 emulator(s) for Windows:

This wormy little demo was made by Monte Carlos as contribution to the Snake Fun Competition at csdb. It uses HiRes mode with underlay sprites and you can press 1,2,3 to change speed for some variation.. Music is by MCH.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |

This little demo shows an enhanced version of the so called 'cookiecutter' effect, using three overlapping layers instead of two, which was (afaik) never done before. Music was made by MSK.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Graphics |

Another compo contribution made by Monte Carlos. This time for the 'Borderline 2021 Compo' at csdb. where all visual effects must be contained inside the borders only. Music was made by Jeff.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code + Graphics |

This one part demo was made for the 'Only Sprites Compo' at csbd, hence this part solely uses sprites to display its content. Music was made by Shapie/Onslaught.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Charset |

This is a single part demo by Monte Carlos with no music, showing a plasma effect in ECM graphic mode. It was made for the ECM Mode Demoeffect Competition at csdb.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |

This intro was made for "Intro Creation Competition 2019" at CSDb. Offers random opening color set, but you can press the following keys for some live variations: 1 - change ghostbyte, 2 - change logo color, 3 - change border color, left arrow - reset ghostbyte. Music was made by Rage/Megastyle.
Cascaders involved in this production:Zeldin | - Code + Graphics |

Little crack intro made for "Intro Creation Competition 2018" at CSDb. The whole screen was heavily inspired by the motif on a polo shirt, seen in a telenovela ;-) Font was made by Someone/Grace and music by Martin Vondracek.
Cascaders involved in this production:Zeldin | - Code + Graphics |

Graphics and animation based one-file demo, made as compo contribution for the "C64 ReUnion 2018" party. Music was made by TSM/Magic Cap/Papposoft.
Cascaders involved in this production:Zeldin | - Code + Graphics + Text |
Mr.Lee | - Text |

This proof of concept demo shows a nifty effect: by switching the softscroll register in between the scanlines, one more char can be displayed horizontally while scrolling. Music is made by Jammer of Artstate/MultiStyle Labs.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Graphics |

This nice little effect was made by Monte Carlos in 2014. Originally it was planned as complete demo - including more ingredients around it - and to be released at some party compo. But due to private time issues it remains as is. The cool and well fitting music was made by psycho8580.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |

This is our message of condolence for our friend and group-mate Axis/Cascade, who died far too young. His death was a shock to all of us. Goodbye Patrick, rest in peace!
Cascaders involved in this production:Zeldin | - Code |
Ray | - Music |

Here we are once again with a cute little demo, just before the year 2013 fades. The main effect in this one uses the 26th row and the fli bug area, hence this should be the biggest sized 4x4 plasma, that was ever done on C64. The demo was released in the "Christmas Fun Competition 2013" at csdb. Cool music by Duck LaRock/Camelot.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Graphics |

This little neat part was made for 'Demo of the Year' contest. Excellent music by radiantx/Panda Design.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |

This little demo was made in quite a short time period, after Carlos and Zeldin decided, that it's time to release some stuff again.
The demo was presented at the BCC Party #4 in Berlin where it was also partly coded by Carlos doing again some hardcore party coding :-)
Oh and it won the mixed compo, btw...
Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Graphics + additional Code |

After a long, long time we are finally able to release a new demo. This one was made by Monte Carlos (code, linking, idea) and Zeldin (graphics, animation, design) plus music by Icebreaker and Matrix of Nordic Beat, who sadly passed away in August 2007 :-(
The Demo was released at the BCC Party #1 in Berlin and won the mixed compo...
Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Graphics + Animations |
Icebreaker | - Music |

Boat Trip is the name of this little 4k Demo, coded by Monte Carlos, which reached Position #3 in the 4k Democompo of the Mekka Symposium Party 2002. It was co-produced, with the cool guys from "Out of Order", namely "Zealot".
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |

This little neat part is based on a new effect, which was invented by Monte Carlos. He finally coded this part around it together with our good pal Rap/Success on the X-Party 2000. Music was made by The DJ. By the way... this upscroller isn't as simple as it may appears to you, so make sure you take a closer look.
If you are interested in painting your own Elitefonts, download the modificated Faces-Fonteditor from here.
Monte Carlos | - Code |

This little piece of code is a small onefile demo, which was coded quickly and just for fun on the Out of Order Party (28.-31. dec. 1999) and made a second place in the party compo. The entire coding was done by Monte Carlos/Cascade, music by Xayne/Crest. This version is V2.0 of the demo, version 1 was never released to public...
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |

This nice little intro was done by Monte Carlos for the 4k compo at Mekka & Symposium 1999. Sadly it didn't participated and was disqualified, because of breaking the 4k boundary by using some bytes too much... well rules are rules. Still it's a neat work and worth a look. Music was made by Smart Monkey.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |

Here we have the next in line. It's just a little onefile demo, which was released to bridge our very own summer break and to show that we are alive and active! It contains a very old part by Zeldin and some nice parts by Carlos, that were thrown out of Trip to Nepa(l) 3 and Gorbatshow, both demos, which should be released ...oerm... someday ;-)
Musics were made by Gaston and The Syndrom (both TIA), MHD, The Blue Ninja and Wizard.
Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Code + Graphics |

Yeah, right... this is a sequel. It was released on the Mekka/Symposium Party, which was held 09.04.98-13.04.98. It was finished minutes before the deadline, after an exhausted Mr.Lee and Carlos had done some hardcore party coding. Sadly we only reached (an underated) 6th Place!
Cascaders involved in this production:Mr.Lee | - Code |
Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Graphics |

This was the first bigger production, made by the second generation of Cascade on C64. Released at the Flag '98 Party, though it should have been launched at TP 7. Got delayed, because we had some trouble in linking the parts. That's also why the whole demo turned out to be a bit slow paced. Additional music credits to Zyron/Oxsid Planetary and Scortia/Bonzai.
Cascaders involved in this production:Mr.Lee | - Code |
Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Graphics |
Ray | - Music |

This little one-file demo was released on "The Party 1997" and shows an "work-in-progress" example for Mr.Lee's realtime texture routine. It was meant as a teaser for our demo "Trip to Nepa(l)", which couldn't be finished in time for the compo. Music was composed by "Mateus".
Cascaders involved in this production:Mr.Lee | - Code |
Zeldin | - Graphics |

Little intro, released to gain some attraction for the homepage of Cascade. Obviously contains an old, outdated URL and eMail address (the site was hosted on the server of Zeldin's university back then). Music by The Blue Ninja.
Cascaders involved in this production:Zeldin | - Code + Graphics |

The Cascade Music Collection was coded by Courage when he was still a member of the AWT. All musics were done by former AWT-Musicians. The only reason why this collection wasn't released as AWT release is: when Mr.Lee/Cascade finished the code for this collection, Courage was a memeber of Cascade (what he was only for a very short time, anyway), so this collection was released under the banner of Cascade!
Hidden part notice:
If you hear all 40 Tunes, select "Quit" and than you can listen to a hidden exclusive tune by a well known Artist!
Courage | - Code |
Mr.Lee | - Additional Code |
Zeldin | - Graphics |

Little contact intro made by Phoenix, who was at that time also member of Desert Nomads. Music was made by MHD.
Cascaders involved in this production:Phoenix | - Code + Graphics |

Another demo by the brave French Cascaders, This time a little hate demo against Wasp/Spellmix - a french scener, with whom Stephane and JM once had their quarrels, obviously... ah, those were the days :-)
Cascaders involved in this production:Stephane | - Code |
JM | - Code |
Ken | - Music |

This intro was used as crack intro but also in legal Cascade productions, like the demo 'Taghan Shoot'. The logo was done by Skywolf/Boonfire.
Cascaders involved in this production:Stephane | - Coding |
Ken | - Music |

This little multi part demo was made by the French division. After Stephane, JM, Tao and Ken joined Cascade Amiga in February 1989, they decided to (re-)open the Cascade C64 section and this seemed to be their very first production, that's why there is a fullscreen gfx by Tao, containing the logo of their former group 'OCB'
Note: This demo is possibly corrupted. Several parts are seemingly buggy with glitches that might not be caused by bad programming, like the flawed scroll in the second part of the second file. Could be it was once transferred from a bad disk and maybe there is a better version out there...
Stephane | - Code |
JM | - Code |
Tao | - Graphics |
Ken | - Music |
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