Cascade C64 Tools
Yep, we also released some tools and tool collections...Approved C64 emulator(s) for Windows:

S.T.F.U. was designed to mute drives, meaning to switch them off software-wise.
This tool was made by Monte Carlos, because he needed it to solve a problem he faced with his setup. He is using a C128D (metal) together with a 1541U and he stumbled upon the issue, that many demo loaders expect a 1541 on ID 8 and/or do not accept additional connected drives. Within the C128D (metal) you are not able to switch off the internal drive, like you can do with an external drive.
Main drive disable routine used here was coded by Krill/Plush.
Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Test |

With this plugin it is possible to open and display Funpaint II graphic format pictures (packed IFLI) within the MMC Replay browser.
Note: The offered plugin is a .bin file (funplgin.bin). Put it into your SYSTEM64 folder on the flash card of your MMC Replay. Graphics need .fun as filename extension in order to be recognized by the plugin.
Monte Carlos | - Code |

The program can calculate fractal images based on a 3x3 pattern recursively drawn on the screen. The executable is called just "3x3frac".
To understand how the program works use the easymode (under options) with patternsize of 81 and x/y repeats equal to one and try different patterns...
Learn more about the program here
Monte Carlos | - Code |
Zeldin | - Test |

You can use this program with your MMC Replay to view Amica Paint picture files directly from the MMC Replay browser.
Note: The offered plugin is a .bin file (amiplgin.bin). Put it into your SYSTEM64 folder on the flash card of your MMC Replay. Graphics need .ami as filename extension in order to be recognized by the plugin.
Monte Carlos | - Code |

This is the editor, with which the cool Font of the Eliteupscoll-demo was done. Try this out, and you will see, that it is a very sophisticated manipulation... ;-)
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |

With this modificated Turbo Ass version, you will be able to edit more than 4096 lines of source code. It doesn't work with all versions of the Turbo the notefile, which is linked into the patcher.
Cascaders involved in this production:Monte Carlos | - Code |

This is (afaik) the last released version of the famous AssBlaster series.
Cascaders involved in this production:Mr.Lee | - Code |

My (Zeldin's) sixth toolcollection. This is the next Assblaster-Disk, containing an update (3.2), plus some more little tools.
Cascaders involved in this production:Mr.Lee | - Tool Code |
Zeldin | - Intro Code + Graphics |

This is Version 3.2 of Mr.Lee's ultimate assembler.
Cascaders involved in this production:Mr.Lee | - Code |

This little helper was done back then, when I was still using Vizawrite during my first semesters at university. It saves your text from memory to disk in case of a Vizawrite crash...
Cascaders involved in this production:Zeldin | - Code |

Here we have my (Zeldin's) fifth Toolcollection, Mr.Lee's socalled 'Assblaster'-Disk. It contains the Assblaster, Assblaster Light and some Assblaster converters. Instructions are as '.src'-file on the disk.
Nominally this is version 5.1, because version 5.0 got faked by some lamer, so we had to re-release it :-/
Mr.Lee | - Tool Code |
Zeldin | - Intro Code + Graphics |

This is 16 Bit Assembler, with which you can also code for the CMD SuperCPU!
A .doc File is also on this Disk! So you can immediately start supporting CMDs Super-Hardware!
Sadly, the disk I own is corrupted and Mr.Lee is trying to find a working version
Mr.Lee | - Code |

Char editor for different font sizes. Presumably coded or enhanced by Bruce and Bongo of Cascade in 1988 for a group called "Take Off", which maybe was an umbrella group with Cascade as one of it's supporting sections. More info needed, though...
Cascaders involved in this production:Bruce | - Code |
Bongo | - Code |
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