C64 Drivers (& Tools)
Have you already experienced the following:
You got C64 related hardware on second hand market but not the drivers to use it? This can be very annoying! It already happened to me. And because I collected a fair amount of software and drivers for different C64 hardware in the meantime, I thought, it might be of use for others. That's why this section is on this website, though it is not related to Cascade at all...
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Vesuv64 is an Eprommer, which is able to burn 20 different Epromtypes: 2508, 2516, 2532, 2564, 2708, 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128, 27256, 27512, 27011 an their A types plus 2817A and 2864B. The Eprommer has three different burning modes and a good monitor. On the disk are also instructions (german).
Software is in german language!

Dela Eprommer II supports the following Eprom Types: 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128 and 27256. I also included an instruction file as .txt (german).
Software is in german language!

This is the V1.0 Software for the Goliath Eprom Burner from Rex Datentechnik. The Burner supports the following Eprom Types: 2716, 2732(A), 2764(A), 27128, 27256 and 27512.
Software is in german language!

Another Eprom Burner from Rex Datentechnik. The Burner supports the following Eprom Types: 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128 and 27256.
Software is in german language!

The Successor Eprom Burner from Rex Datentechnik. The Burner supports the following Eprom Types: 2716, 2732(A), 2764(A), 27128 and 27256. Instructions (.pdf/german) is included in the .zip file.
Software is in german language!

This very fast eprommer was once offered in old 64er Magazine, later distributed by Conrad Electronics. Seems this eprom burner is still around. The Software also includes a module generator and the sourcecode of the software. The burner supports the following eprom types: 2764(A), 27128 and 27256.
Software is in german language!

Burny64 is an Eprommer, which is able to burn 10 different Epromtypes: 2764, 27128, 27256, 27512 an their A types plus 27011 and 27513. On the disk are also instructions (german).
Software is in german language!
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